About Our School

Welcome to Eagle Ridge Middle School!
School Hours (M-F): 8:40 am-3:10 pm
Phone: (505) 892-6630 Fax: (505) 892-6909

Parents of our students and other members of our community are encouraged to contact us whenever you have questions or comments. Our staff and faculty are always no farther than a phone call away. 
ERMS Web Coordinator:  Claudine Rood 

If a parent/guardian wishes to check out their child at the end of the day, they must arrive more than 30 minutes before the end of the day.

An abbreviated day begins two hours later than the regular schedule.   Bus schedules are also delayed two hours.  Listen to radio stations KOB AM, KOB FM, KRST, BIG-I or watch TV Channels 4, 7, or 13 for the most up-to-date information.  You may also visit our website for details. Notification is usually made by 6:00 a.m.  Should the complete cancellation of school be necessary, notification is usually given by 9:00 a.m.  Please avoid calling the school or the district office for this information.  It is recommended that families plan for such emergency closures. ; the school or the district office for this information.  It is recommended that families plan for such emergency closures.

school logo

School Club / Group Registration
Student Handbook
Compliance Policy Statement
FERPA Notice

Lunch Times at ERMS:

  • 6th: 10:56-11:26

  • 7th: 11:52-12:22

  • 8th: 12:48-1:18

School Profile

ERMS Campus

Staff Profile:

Trenna Gilbert, Principal
Eli Waldon, Assistant Principal

Employees: 85
Teachers: 53
Instructional Support Staff: 19
Non-Instructional Support Staff: 13

Student Profile:

  • Enrollment: 760 (October 2023)

  • Percent Special Education: 18.2%

  • Percent English-Language Learners: 9.3%

Ethnicity/Race: The percentages for each category are rounded up or down to the nearest .1 which may cause the total to slightly exceed or be below 100%. In addition, families of mixed-race heritage may now also designate their child as being of more than one race. This may cause the percentages to add up to a number that is other than 100%.

African-American: 3.2%
American Indian: 6.1%
Asian: 0.8%
Caucasian (non-Hispanic): 26.8%
Hispanic: 62.7%
Pacific Islander 0.4%


Address: 800 Fruta Rd. NE
Rio Rancho, NM 87124

Mascot: Eagle
Colors: Red, White, and Blue
Grade Levels Served: 6-8
Founded: 1996 by Rio Rancho Public Schools

Geographic Area Served: Southern Park West, Cedar Hills, Granada Heights, Bali Heights, Siesta Hills, North Hills, Units 7 (portions), 8, 9, and 11, Loma Colorado, and portions of High Resort and Star Heights

School Goals:
Improve skills in reading comprehension and writing; improve math computation skills.

School Programs:
College and career readiness, after-school homework help and recreation activities, intensive reading instruction, mentorship programs, and athletics intramurals.